What is Conversion rate optimization in eCommerce

6 min read

Conversion is the heart of any company. You want them to actively move in your website and do some actions- buy, fill forms, sign up, send a message.


All eCommerce owners want to have endless customers and even just visitors. As I find you here, please answer my question? What is your main goal of creating a website?

Of course, I guess you are thinking about getting traffic. You are right. It must be the main goal for your further steps. Your every step should be aimed to increase your website views. Let’s agree that you want people not only to land on your website but also you want all of them to become real customers.


What is a conversion?


Even if you don’t sell a product but provide different services, you need conversions. For this case, visitors become conversion when they get your phone number and call you or send an email.

This is what we call conversion. Conversion is just converting your visitors into potential customers. There are two types of conversion micro and macro.

Micro is when they just do some actions, such as subscription, calling you, writing on your online chat, fill a form or creating an account, adding a product to wishes, or shares pages in social media, etc.

And macro is when they become a real user that makes an offer or buy a good or service.

And the percentage of your converted visitors is called conversion rate.

In a words, the conversion rate is simply a proportion of total visitors and converted visitors.

There are many online conversion rate calculators. But it is also quite easy to do manually. Forgetting the percent of conversion you need to divide the number of conversions by the total number of your website visitors.


Conversion rate=(conversions/totalvisitors)* 100%

For example, if your site had 25000 visitors and 6450 conversions, it means:

(6450/25000)*100%=25,8%(conversion rate)


Always keeping a high conversion rate is a need for every website. For it, you should invest a good conversion rate optimization system. It refers first of all to understand where to start.

You can use google analytics to find from where visitors land on your website, which page they open at first and how long they stay, etc

The most effective method is A/B. This testing is a marketing tool, that helps to boost your conversion rate.


The aim of this testing is to present two different types of your website to your audience. We call them A website and B website. According to it, you will be able to understand which one gets more traffic and give you better results. Colors, blog posts,  call-to-action buttons(place, color,size), headlines,images, font size,etc.


Steps of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)


Website design


Colours you use on your website is the first thing people notice when landing on your site. It’s proved that some colours make people do correct actions. For example, red creates an environment of aggressiveness and anger. If this colour is too many people will not stay on your website too long. But if we speak about call-to-action buttons red is the best to match, of course, green as well.


Customer service


It annoys anybody who has an answer connected with a product or service, but no helping tool is found. For that, it’s important to have customers support live chats to answer as quickly as possible not let your visitor leave.


Time is gold


eswap-store eswap-store-mobile


Inventory, Order & Shipping Management Software


Every website owner will consider this fact. No one has too much time to waste waiting for a slow-loading webpage to be opened. It makes them leave with the hope to try again later or leave and never come back.


Navigation system


To be easy to use the website is a must for every website owner. It’s quite simple with desktops. But  If we are speaking about conversions we must consider people using mobile devices too. In this case, we have a big problem. Your website must be mobile friendly as well to catch the visitors and transfer them into conversions. The first thing you should is to be attentive to design for thumbs and tips.  Not lazy to test all these functions’ workability.


All this analysis gives you an opportunity to improve your website usability and get more customers.

Some website owners want to be more cunning and try not to waste time and money on testings. Instead, they use other experiences. But we can surely say that in 70% of cases they fail. Because a change in one website can increase conversions, but on the other will not.

The other benefit of this testing is the lowest price with the best results.


According to Wikipedia “In internet marketing, conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that converts into customers, or more generally, takes any desired action on a webpage. It is commonly referred to as CRO.”  

The best example of CRO became The 2008 Obama Presidental Campaign.  They tested 24 version of their website and finally found the best working one. Due to it, they increase receiving email addresses with 2,8 million.

There is a wide range of CRO agencies that help companies get success. It’s because Cro cannot be done by a person. It needs hard teamwork. Either you must hire specialists that will help you to carry out a conversion strategy or will apply to a CRO agency to help overcome these problems. To tell the truth it’s easier and more effective to hire an agency for both small and medium companies. Another thing is when you are a large company. Probably then you will have your own CRO team.

Proper CRO can change your conversion rate.

After transferring your visitors into conversions, the second thing is to keep these conversions for a long time.

For that, you must carry out a special method to get a high level of visitors signing up.

Can you imagine that a single word or even letter can increase your conversion rate?

CRO is a very important thing as it can bring you more income just making visitors buy something or use a service.


Different tools for CRO



Helps increase interactions, conversions, and engagements


Visual Website Optimizer

Testing different variants of your website to choose the best working variant


Adobe Target

The simplest way for marketers to test and target


Why do you need to make testing?


This is a question a bit individual. If we talk about the best variant we should do testing every time making changes. Of course, we mean an essential change that is noticed while landing on your website. So you will understand whether it was effective to change or the old version is more workable and attractive.

Today almost all-powerful companies try to improve their conversation rate and do CRO every time to time. As time shows that these companies gain success more often than those who don’t pay enough attention to CRO.

We are proud of being one of those companies in the market.

eSwap loves its customers!

