Get started

Auto sync

When you create an invoice on eSwap it will be automatically created on Square as well

Automated Notifications

Customers will receive an email for finishing the invoice payment process

Manual Payments

Customers will be able to make manual payments directly from Square account

Order Management

Centralized order management system to manage orders from different warehouses based on inventory availability. What else does this integration give you?
  • Smoother process of receiving orders
  • Faster packaging and shipping
  • Maximize sales

Improve customer experience

Real-time stock visibility

Make sure the product is available in stock to be shipped

Fulfill from anywhere

Sell and fulfil from anywhere and generate revenue forever

Simplified accounting

Easy and effective accounting system for business accuracy

And a few more features

14 Day Free Trial

Try our inventory and order management software for free!
Get started ( No Credit Card Required )

Need help?

Our powerful inventory and order management software will help you to control all your business from one dashboard.

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How can we help you?

On-demand demo & 24-hour support

99.99% uptime the last 12 months

Serious about security & privacy
