All contacts in one place
Add all your customers to a MailChimp list and easily manage your email workflows. Add and update your contact list.
Create and send beautiful emails
Create and send emails from the existing email list. Keep your customers in the know every time and everywhere.
Automated sync of all contacts
As you have linked eSwap to your Mailchimp account, all your contacts will be automatically synced. No need to manually add any contact.
Save more time
A/B testing
Your first campaign
And a few more features
eSwap’s Ecwid store integration allows you to automate your daily eCommerce tasks without coding skills.
eSwap allows you to connect Stripe to automate your work, manage payments across multiple channels and improve your productivity in a short time
eSwap – Amazon inventory management allows you to make your work more effective providing a convenient platform for controlling all your sales, orders, products, inventory, shipping and accounting affairs. Now too easy and simple with us.
Link Rakuten store to eSwap inventory management solution and find all you need-accurately updated stock quantities across all your channels without ever overselling or low stocking.
FTP Server-eSwap integration allows you to transfer files between your servers.
Our eBay integration helps you to connect with different channels and manage your listings with high accuracy.
eSwap – Shopify inventory and order management suggest a fast and effective way to manage your products, orders, customers and a lot more to overcome working challenges. All that you need to arrange your work perfectly for getting the best results.
Synchronize your sale orders, purchase orders, credit notes, inventory assets and shipments by using our two-way Xero accounting integration.
Try BigCommerce with eSwap to automate your processes related to inventory, ordering, accounting, shipping, warehousing and manage them just from one dashboard.
14 Day Free Trial
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