Get started

Product Upload

Upload products in bulk and manage them saving a lot of time. Edit product price, quantity or other details anytime by real-time sync opportunity.

Order syncing

This feature allows syncing order information across all channels. Orders received on the Ecwid Store are automatically created in eSwap with every detail.

Customer Import

Importing and updating customers' data is not a hard task anymore. With eSwap-Ecwid integration, you can import thousands of customers easily.

Auto-update Order Status

The only wise way to know more about your sales, visitors, buyers, customers, order cancels is eSwap-Ecwid integration. It allows you to have centralized inventory management.  As you connect your store, eSwap will import inventory and orders to streamline your daily business tasks. If you get orders, update inventory levels on your Ecwid store and other integrated channels, it will instantly get updated to eSwap in real-time.

Accurate Insights

Receive precise reports and accurate insights any time you need. Analyze your store's profitability with eSwap's real-time analytic and reporting tool. This will ensure making smart decisions and generate more revenue.

Instant Notifications

Get real-time notifications as soon as a product goes out of stock before you notice. Out-of-Stock Alert helps to avoid losing hundreds of customers every month. Take a quick look at the list of low stock items in just one click.  

Instantly synced data

Sync inventory, orders and other data across linked channels in real-time

Automated invoicing

Configure your invoice process to function automatically and get reminders

Increased sales

Expand your market, increase sales and improve customer service

14 Day Free Trial

Try our inventory and order management software for free!
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Need help?

Our powerful inventory and order management software will help you to control all your business from one dashboard.

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